Thursday, March 3, 2011

The myth of the perfect human!

Our knowledge tells us nothing about there ever being born a perfect human being and neither will we ever experience one.. At least there has never been a perfect one born with a father and mother that were both human..

However we know of one that was perfect.. The only difference is that he was born of a human mother and His father was God. His name was Jesus Christ (The Messiah) and He was born to be our Savior! He was born to show us that the only way to achieve a better life is and ever will be to accept God through him.. To accept Him as our Savior is our only rescue to not fall into damnation.

So what is damnation? Damnation is something brought upon us when we know what's really right to do and we do the opposite. To avoid this end we need to be careful through our path in life.. We need to weigh every word and consider every person that come into it.. Also we need to know that there's no person that posses pure evil.. We need to know that there's one that is responsible for all the evil in the world and we need to make sure to keep our distance from him.. This one and only evil is known by many names such as Lucifer, Satan and El Diablo (The devil) and so on.. But we must also know that the devil works through many shades and forms and his true nature is manifested by the end result of his actions!

Every word other than the word of Jesus or God (who really are one along with the Holy Spirit) we must always suspect as influenced by the devil.. Especially those of other kinds of faith than what we Christian call religions! There are also those who try to wash away the separation lines between the religions. But in our Christian way of believing and through the bible, such arguments is seen as preposterous(!!) which they really are!

The truth of it is that the only way to achieve the life of the perfect human is if we live our life dedicated to the belief in God through Jesus Christ, and that we at all time interpret the words of the Holy Bible and read it to the the best of our effort.. But in the end we just have to admit that without Jesus we would all be lost! This be because none of us is raised above our own humanity and our faith is always to some effort effected by our surroundings!

Because of this we should all bow our heads and pray.. Pray for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and pray for the help to be guided through life by his will!

God bless you all!

Living by Faith

Faith is a confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person,concept or thing. This word is perhaps easier to understand when we link it to faith in a supreme divine being. Our faith in the power of this divine being can never be considered easy, because the very definition of faith is linked to it's potential difficulty.. Faith usually requires manifestation through thoughts and actions and also place on us series of various responsibilities..

That in some way explains how some of us feel towards God.. My faith in him gives me confidence in believing that nothing is impossible.. He clearly states through his own book given to us, The Holy Bible; "believe and you shall have"..

But our responsibilities as a result of our faith should never be considered a burden. Our faith in God gives us the possibility to stay safe from harm and eventually death if we only stay committed to it. We should then consider ourselves lucky to be granted this mercy and know that we puny humans could never reach even to his knees.. We should be grateful for the possibility he gave us through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus took all the pain and sin we ever did or will do onto himself, and for what we might ask...? He did it because of his eternal love towards us! A love that gives us Christian people a lot of responsibility..

Our responsibility towards God reaches from how we behave towards HIM and towards each other.. I know for a fact that God wants us to love everyone around us even our worst enemy. It's from HIM the expression "hate the sin, love the sinner" came.. It's one of our most important commandments and we should remember always to bring it with us and remember to cherish and live by it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Life's blessings is although life shown to us in many ways. They are shown through both ups and downs.. The controversy in uttering these words is open for anyone to see, but let me then explain.. You see; through our many downs and disappointments throughout life, we get lucky to also learn something.. We learn to appreciate.. In every major down signifying a new low point we will (if we strive to do so) add a new dimension to appreciating a new level of life.. Maybe the things we before thought of as bad, suddenly now don't seem so bad..?! Even the highlights, the best parts of our lives, we would if possible get a widened perspective of.

Of course; our highest peaks of happiness through life, will always be manifested as the most memorable. But if we se the effects of life in these perspectives we actually might come to a conclusion in the end... A conclusion telling us that whatever difficulties we faced earlier in life, we wouldn't want them to be gone.. For they were the reasons that in the end made our lives not good, but great!


How many meaning or kinds of relationships we have in dictionary? I guess we have several meaning or kinds of relationships. We have this relationships from our family,relatives,friends and someone's special. Our relationships in the family can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad. Those who are born with a loving family,those who are organized are very lucky. But those family who are busy and doesn't have time to each other may not have a good result. How about the relationships of the children that their parents are working abroad. Being a parents (mother/father)they want that their children will have a good future. So some of them work abroad to supply the needs of every children. And then the relationships between the parents and children sometimes changes. Because we don't see them growing. But some parents are successful enough to achieved their dreams for their children. Working abroad is a great challenge for both children and parents. Sometimes its causes the separation of both parents. And the children ends up in the confusing situation. Children always suffering in the chaos which parents created. Because of these situations,the respect and trust of every individual is hard to developed again.