Thursday, March 3, 2011

Living by Faith

Faith is a confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person,concept or thing. This word is perhaps easier to understand when we link it to faith in a supreme divine being. Our faith in the power of this divine being can never be considered easy, because the very definition of faith is linked to it's potential difficulty.. Faith usually requires manifestation through thoughts and actions and also place on us series of various responsibilities..

That in some way explains how some of us feel towards God.. My faith in him gives me confidence in believing that nothing is impossible.. He clearly states through his own book given to us, The Holy Bible; "believe and you shall have"..

But our responsibilities as a result of our faith should never be considered a burden. Our faith in God gives us the possibility to stay safe from harm and eventually death if we only stay committed to it. We should then consider ourselves lucky to be granted this mercy and know that we puny humans could never reach even to his knees.. We should be grateful for the possibility he gave us through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus took all the pain and sin we ever did or will do onto himself, and for what we might ask...? He did it because of his eternal love towards us! A love that gives us Christian people a lot of responsibility..

Our responsibility towards God reaches from how we behave towards HIM and towards each other.. I know for a fact that God wants us to love everyone around us even our worst enemy. It's from HIM the expression "hate the sin, love the sinner" came.. It's one of our most important commandments and we should remember always to bring it with us and remember to cherish and live by it!

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