Sunday, May 29, 2011


Emotion is the complex psycho physiological  experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical(internal) and environmental(external)influences. Emotions is associated with mood, personality and motivation. We used this  in every decisions we have in life. Emotion can be a replacement of what we feel. If we feel something,even though its happiness,sadness or what ever; it is accompanied by emotion. A person's behavior is depend on the emotions that he feels. Sometimes because we are carried away by our emotions,we can't think what is best for us. In every decision's we will make,emotion have a bigger part of it. We can't just do the thing because our head or our mind told so. Its always together and it should be in balance. The feelings that we feel in every aspects of our lives is together with emotion. Sometimes there is some people that knows how to control their feelings,their emotion. Its okay as long as it is used in a good purpose. But it might be result of bad behavior. Hiding an emotion is sometimes too difficult and it can cause an effect to one's health. Because its complicated to show one's emotion, we don't know if we will get a positive result. But at one point, we should take a risk to show it off, otherwise we don't know the real result. Experiences in life is also a reason of changing one's personality and emotion. Hardships especially makes one person more careful in his/her emotion. Lessons learned in every aspects of experiences. Sometimes its becomes more better person or worse and eventually result of being insane. In our everyday life, when we wake up in the morning, when we open our eyes, we should thanks the Creator and think only a nice thoughts. Some says that usually in the morning the mood of every individual is different compare during after lunch, its just because our mind is more relax; unlike in the morning that we are busy thinking what we need to do first. How we start and finished our days is depend in our emotions.

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