Friday, October 7, 2011

"The poorest person in the world is not the one without a coin in his hand, But the one without GOD in his heart."
A powerful messages that I received from my younger sister. It makes my tears flow. I don't know why. Something in the messages that touched me to the bone. I know I am a believer, I am God's follower but something is missing. Perhaps my faith is not enough to conquer the world where I am in now. How many times should I asks myself, "who am I"?
I can say that I am happy, but the question is, am I really happy? Life has thought me a lot of lessons.In every circumstances that I am facing, it gives me more strength to move on. But still I am not comfortable. Because of many struggles that I been through, I become a tough person.
Then after reading this messages, I realize that only GOD can help me to move on and leaved yesterday behind. That even though I will work hard and earn a lot of money, it can't help me to find peace. Time to move on, together with those people who believe in me. I know if I just rely on his promises, if I will just give all my trust and have faith on HIM all the time, I will find the true meaning of what the messages my sister has sent me.

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